Welcome 2013 Art Bikers!


presenting....the 2013 Art Bikers....
A sextet of vastly skilled and highly enthusiastic humanoid individualists, ready to unleash their repertoire of fun theatre, music and art activities throughout the HRM.

We are pleased to present:

Maggie Pearson
Art Style: crafty & comical/fabrics
Favourite Things: chips & quilts
Hobbies: book reading & bike riding
I love Halifax because: This is where I arrived
My bikes name is: Whitey
Secret Superpower: raising the bread

Eric Diolola
Art Style: mixed media/graphics/sound design
I love: beaches & breakfast
I love Halifax because: the outdoors
My bikes name is: Betty
Supah Powah: making scribbles

Patrick Peachey
Art Style: theatre/film/3d projects
I love: crazy art projects
Hobbies: nerding it up & READING
I love Halifax because: well...the ocean!
My bikes name is: Bonapart
My Superpower: storytelling

Sandy Escobar
Art Style: drawing/large paintings/theatre design/illustration
I love: long deep conversations, blanket forts, cheesecake & neon colours
Hobbies: sketching in my sketchbook & telling terrible jokes
I love Halifax because: of all the great communities, cool neighbourhoods & friendly people
My bikes name is: Herman
Secret Superpower: vision

Jacob Sutton (returning & Sr. Art Biker)
Art Style: spraypainting
Hobbies: making beats to DJ & playing drums
I love Halifax because: it's so beautiful and always inspires me for whatever I'm working on
My bikes name is: Senior Adventure Time
Secret Superpower: cross dimensional awareness & astral projection

Tara Grude (returning Program Coordinator)
Art Style: I've got my hands in EVERYTHING but I produce a line of scarves
I love: adventures (and everything is)Hobbies: cooking Pinteresting recipes, vintage shopping & house walks
I love Halifax because: of it's lovely people and oceanside splendour
My bikes name is : she's also a Betty
My Superpower: bringing fun opportunities for kids!